Novel optical techniques
This new laboratory, established in October 2022, develops new applications and ultra-precise optical measurement methods using optical frequency comb (optical comb).
Kato-Lab <Applied optical measurement lab.>
The University of Electro-Communications, Department of Engineering Science
This new laboratory, established in October 2022, develops new applications and ultra-precise optical measurement methods using optical frequency comb (optical comb).
We work together with the Minoshima and Asahara Labs in the same Department of Engineering Science. We work together not only on research, but also on meetings, experiments, conferences, and parties. We are challenging the world with our research system centered on optical frequency comb.
We are working with Minoshima and Asahara Labs on research themes using optical frequency comb, such as "Development of Optical Phased Array," "Background canceling using Broadband Antiphase Interferometry," and "One-shot 3D Imaging".
Supplemental information about the classrooms that Assoc. Prof. Kato is in charge of is updated as needed. Useful information obtained through research activities will also be updated as a reminder.
Urano(M1) received Poster award at the 590th Fiber Laser seminar supported by LSJ.Conference
Urano(M1) and Ogura(M1) presented papers at OPJ2024, UEC(Chofu), JapanConference
Urano(M1) and Ogura(M1) presented papers at the 590th Fiber Laser seminar supported by LSJ. (Japanese only)Conference
Kato presented a paper at ICO-26 in Cape Town, South Africa.Conference
Kato presented a paper (Invited talk) at IEICE Society Conference 2024 in Saitama, Japan.Conference
Kato presented a paper at CLEO2024 in Charlotte, US.Conference
Kato presented a paper at ALPS2024 in Yokohama, Japan.Member
Welcome newcommers: Abe and Nakamura as B4, Urano and Ogura as M1